June 2, 2010

Local What?

City declares items nuisances 

The Salisbury City Council declared three items on Robert Boone's property at 1605 S. Main St. public nuisances, and the city will correct the problem sometime in the near future. The three items declared as nuisances were piles of dirt, a concrete barrier and six dilapidated U.S. flag. ... As of Tuesday, Boone had accrued $26,250 in $250/day charges for having dilapidated flags on his property. He will also have to pay the cost of the abatement. If he refuses to pay the abatement fees, a tax lien will be placed on his property.


Another hot topic during the meeting was the city's budget. Two people spoke out against Salisbury's 2010-2011 fiscal year budget during the a public hearing, both speaking against proposed rate increases for water and sewer services. erry Shelby was first to speak, focusing on Salisbury's rate of poverty and how everyone is struggling to stay afloat across the city.  "I don't know how to cut my costs anymore unless I come here and sponge bath in the water fountain," he said of the proposed 5.57 percent increase in water and sewer. "It costs more to read the meter than it does for the usage." Shelby held up a Walmart bag, and said he does not use trash services, placing his bags in his neighbor's trash bin, not only to save money, but "to save a stop for the truck," he said.

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