January 5, 2010


YJDKIY is trying to remember how to pack lunch and snacks for an entire day! I think the last time I packed a lunch was in 1996 for high school, and it consisted of a melted cheese bagel and some mini-carrots or something equally boring and kinda gross (not that I don't still LOVE melted cheese bagels, but that is not a particularly healthy lunch) thrown in a plastic baggie and stuffed in my backpack.

Contents: Honey Oikos with Allbran/Oat/Sunflower Seed mix (this was really breakfast), banana and PB crackers (unseen), cutie, Kashi Trail Mix chewy snack bar, edamame with a dash of kosher salt, Fusion Green & White Tea, and an orange Tootsie Roll lollipop (intentionally unseen!); flexy ice pack and plastic spoon!

At least it is funner with this awesome BYO lunch bag from Targato! It's super cute, it was cheap, it holds everything and keeps it cool or warm depending! This is such a challenge because I both love planning ahead yet hate having to plan ahead! Does anyone have good packed lunch or travel snack suggestions?!

1 comment:

  1. Nuts stay with you a long time and so many types

    Grab some of the last cooked meal and heat up at work

    Soups for winter, salads for summer



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