February 12, 2010

Speedy or Lazy?

YJDKIY was either trying to be efficient or super slothy with dinner. But, it worked out for the best because it was tasty and took about 15 minutes, tops.

Chopped up some peppers, carrots, cabbage and garlic to make a nice variety of color for the base.

Pre-baked WestSoy Asian Tofu chunks (HOW do they get it so firm and why isn't it listed under their products?!).

Sauted with a little olive oil and teriyaki sauce...ooops should have used a bigger pan!

Put it all together with some 90-second brown rice. Finito! And enough for lunch tomorrow!


  1. Where did you fine 90 second brown rice?

  2. click the link! its at HT or anywhere.

  3. PS - the brown rice is the ONLY one of these that doesn't have an ungodly amount of unnecessary sodium.



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