June 25, 2010


YJDKIY did something I haven't done in at least a year, possibly TWO yesterday. I ate half (yes, really, half) a (local!) Krispy Kreme Cruller.

It was gross...sticky sweet and fatty and holed up in my tummy for the rest of the day. ICK! But for about one second of the first bite, it was delish! It was a stressy early morning meeting, they were there. I caved, but I did feel good about the half part! Luckily, that cured my donut craving for another year.

In the remaining 4 bites, I consumed 110 *empty* calories, 7 g of fat, 7.5 mg of cholesterol, 120 mg sodium, 13 carbs, 1 g protein. Oy! Good thing I had salad for dinner!

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