Do YOU know the 1995 country song that is from?* I digress.
YJDKIY spends about 2 hours in the car every day, and much to my surprise, I like it. In fact, I look forward to it. Maybe this is just a shiny new toy fluke, but thanks to iTunes, my iPhone and Kathryn Stockett, I can't wait to get into the car again.
You see, I discovered audio books. I'd tried them before for long trips, but either got distracted in conversation or the trip wasn't long enough to finish or something or other. But now I can count on those 2 hours a day to experience literature again.
It's been ages since I read a book, I always fall asleep or find something much more pressing to spend my time on. And YJDKIY can't sit still anyway. But nooooow, forced to sit still, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Ms. Skeeter, Elizabeth and Mae Mobley, Abilene and Minny, Miz Celia Foote and Mister Johnny. The audio version of The Help, read by some really impressive voiced ladies, is a fantastic book and a delight to listen to. In fact, I'd almost recommend you LISTEN to it instead of reading it.
What's even better, YJDKIY was pleased to discover that audio books are apparently popular with the Library committee, but not it's patrons, as there are PLENTY of books on CD at my local branch, just waiting to be checked out. Which is even MORE exciting, as now it will be possible for me to utilize my taxes! I had all but cast off this service as YJDKIY finishing a printed book in the alloted check-out period!
Also, if anyone is in need of gift ideas for YJDKIY, feel free to sign me up for an subscription! It's just like Netflix but with MP3! For more on audio books, top lists and more, check out this site.
*hint for you lazy clickers
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