May 3, 2010

I heart Mondays?

Reasons I love Mondays!

  1. I get to wear jeans. Some places have casual Fridays, we do casual Mondays
  2. I get to resume my regularly scheduled programming of audio book goodness.
  3.  Because it is pouring rain and windy and feels like hurricane weather this Monday morning, naturally there is an accident, which means I get to eat my breakfast in the car.
  4. I'm not *quite* as sleepy when the alarm goes off at 5:30 am 5 am having rested on Sunday.
  5. I'm the only female in the gym before 6 am which means there are plenty of ellipticals treadmills to choose from because no males ever use those, so I get to pick the one directly under the (not moving) fan for maximum comfort.
  6. I don't feel guilty sitting around all day.
  7. I won't think twice about going to bed at 8:30 pm.
Is it Friday yet?

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