July 7, 2010


That's how many meals YJDKIY ate in the car today. Eating on the go gets a bad rap for a few reasons. For most people, I think it means fast food drive through or barreling through without pause to chew and enjoy.

For me though, my car, my mobile dining room/couch/dressing room/dog crate/library/office is the most reasonable place to unwind for a few minutes, listen to a good book* or music and chew my meal. Where do you meal other than a table?

*Seems only fitting that the current audiobook is Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food, which I am about half done with and while interesting is a lot of stuff I know and not so singsongy as his other book. However, I'm having a terrible time getting past the reader's voice. It just so happens this reader is the same guy that read Sideways by Rex Pickett (yes like the movie, but no I hadn't seen it), two books ago and I can't help but think it is Miles/Jack talking to me about food/health stats.

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