November 21, 2010


Third time's the charm (aside from a little sauce mishap)! I used a pan, and foiled it, so there was no burned skin or exploding glass.

Satued shrimp with just a little EVOO, spaghettied squash with some WH sauted mustard greens (I won't lie, these were the bitterest yet, maybe due to the quick cooking, but I had to spit a few bites out), mixed with a take two parmesan cream sauce. The first version included some 2 week old white wine, clam sauce EVOO, shallots and garlic. EPIC FAIL. It was horrible...and thank goodness I tasted it before combining...I think the wine was spoiled. The second version was straight butter, parm, garlic powder, water and soy milk. Topped with some cracked pepper it turned out a WIN (except in the healthy department)!

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